[ Love Letter from Cleo ]

Assalamualykum my dear

Every person in this world has his own story, his own treasure, so do I. I believe, my treasure might be useful to any of you, and vice versa. Thats why I would love to write it down and share it here. Somehow, people think Im wasting my time but this is the way I keep my memories for I have the attitude of not wasting my time daydreaming about the past. Well of course, the past will be unlocked if someone happens to talk about it. But then I wont let it overwhelm me later on. Thus, this is the only way for me to forget or even to remember any of it.

And sometimes, I use this medium to make sure people know who I am or what was bothering me or what had happened without having me telling them over and over again because I hate to repeat and facing redundancy. Whats in here is the same story I would love to share in the real life and whats not in here is the same secret I wont tell anyone in the real world. I enjoy listening to the adventure of someones life because thats the real deal so I hope you, my dear enjoy the adventure of my life too. Have fun and I wish we could have the chance knowing each other for real.


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