Wednesday, January 19, 2011

[ My Luna ]

With Allah's love
Assalamualykum to my dear

Today, is the first time I went to that Pasar Malam. And also today, I kidnap a kitty from that place with the help of Paan. hehe =P

Niza said her colour is beautiful but Piee was the only one who can't stop pulling Luna's tail! Geezz....

At first, I named her Pocoyo because when I called her like that in the car, she miaws back! Wee ~
But then, in my room, I realized she's a female. haha.

Then, I changed her name to:

Why? Because she's so beautiful and I can't keep my eyes off her like when I can't let my eyes off from the moon. So, I called her Luna. huu...

This is my dear Luna.

At last, she's asleep. fuu ~

So, this is my Luna. hehe =D

So happy.. toin toin!

~ Creating Ideas, Developing Words ~


hana_aniz said...

luna! teringt luna sailormoon. ;)


Unknown said...

ehehe..sailor soldiers still in our hearts..yay..!!!

tp sian luna, salah aizh x tgk dlu dia ad kt pasar tu ngan mak dia ke sekor2 je..smlm dia sgt2 mcari mak dia....huuuu....sian plak kt Luna.... =(

Baihaqi Sensei said...

sama-sama kita panjatkan doa ke atas arwah Tobi... si kucing nakal...

Unknown said...

ermm...mekasih sensei..