Monday, September 20, 2010

[ I Still Remember ]

With Allah's love
Assalamualykum to my dear

It's been quite some time we've been apart and in those times, I have been gaining more ideas on the topics to write or shall I say, ideas on a short story. No, I mean, for some short stories. It's been a very long time since my last short story being written down and passed around for my friends to read.

Well, as a "writer", it's a joy when you can make a difference to someone's life using your writings. It sure is, for me. The last time I wrote was about a treasure hunt, inspired by one of my favorite movies, Pirates of the Caribbean. And I had decided to make a new blog, just for my short stories collection. I will, insya-Allah. =)

Okay, back to the main point. Actually, I wanna type about some things, a very special bunch of memories that keeps me alive, and still, keeping me on track, trying to be grateful for everything that happened in my whole life so far. Now, shall we begin the cracking a part of the hardest shell in me..?

* * *

I still remember
A shadow of a little girl
Being alone in the kitchen
Sometimes on her desk
Sometimes up the stairs
And sometimes under her blanket
Reading a story book
Before her bedtime
On her stressing moments
Upon her days of cries
After her school time

A little girl with a dream
To create a world
Full of wonders
Full of colours
A dream of living among them
Those charming books
Those marvelous and fascinating stories

But it's impossible
It's impossible

Become so stiff
Being so serious
Living like a normal
She forgets her dream
Leaving it so behind
That she couldn't call it back

But it's impossible
It's impossible

Once upon a season
She gets a glimpse
of her little girl dream
A long lost dream
The one that she chose
Without hesitation
Even without any idea
Chosen a long time ago
With all her passion
And with her very special gift

But it's impossible
It's impossible

And still
She thinks of it
Every day and night
Each moment that she smells the air

But now she tries to change
Nothing is impossible
No, nothing
With this dream
This only one dream
Nothing more to be the reason
She won't let it go again
She will do everything she had to

This little girl had become a lady
That will not leave her little girl's dream go
No she won't
This dream will always be her dream
And this dream will be with her
A very faithful companion
Till the death do them apart

This dream
Will always be her little girl dream
And will be her a part of her life
A dream that is
of having her own library

No more impossible
It's not impossible
Not impossible

* * *

This isn't impossible

~ Creating Ideas, Developing Words ~

Saturday, September 4, 2010

[ It's Okay Dear ]

With Allah's love
Assalamu'alykum to my dear

Melayu: "Tak pe, tak pe, mak ada ni."

English: "It's okay now sweetie, mom's here."

Jepun: "Daijoubu, okasan wa koko ni aru."

Korea: "Gwaenchanh-ayo aga, eommaga yeogi."

Arab: "Anna-ha bi-khair, ummi huna."

Spanish: "Está bien, mamá está aquí."

Thai: "K̆ t̄hūk mæ̀ k̄hxng thī̀ nī̀."

Italian: "Va bene, la mamma è qui."

No matter how they use the tone, no matter what kind of language they use, it's always a phrase that calms everyone who listens to it including me.
I hear this phrase in each of the movies and dramas I watched. Japanese, Korean, animes and etc.
This is one of the moment when I feel like I wanna cry too. =P

But then, I never realize that it will happen to me. I guess right now, I just wanna hear that phrase, or at least a phrase that's somehow similar to it:

"It's okay, I'm here with you."

So that I'll be a little comfort around.

But I guess, it'll just be part of my vanished moments.
Feeling so down, and can't see how to bring myself up into one piece again isn't a pleasure, not to me, not to anyone in this world, I believe.

Few days back, there's a phrase someone throw out:

"Jijah merajuk ngan dia...hakhak..."

Well, I didn't know whether it's true or not, but one thing I realize that night,
Yes, I am.
But not to him or to anyone, it's to me, myself.

I guess I'm being sulky to myself for not being able to be like before.
I can't do things on my own: Always needing someone to be with me, to help me in every single thing
I can't even motivate myself: Can't throw away all those uneasy moments from my head
Making myself become so  lack of confident.

No more feel of excitement to live, to wake up in the morning, to start my day energetically like before.
Like they said, no more inspiration, is it?
Well, I guess that's an overreacting situation, okay. I'm not at that stage yet, or am I?
Geez... Whatever.... =P

What am I talking about?

All that matter is, every morning, I've lost my direction of living.
I hate to say this, but I guess it's the truth:

I am living in this world like a robot!


Searching for Maru,

 ~ Creating Ideas, Developing Words ~

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

[ He's Always There ]

With Allah's love
Assalamualykum to my dear

All I can say is, He's always at my side. And my faith, is always be with Him.
He never leaves me in despair, and I always get to be better with His help.

Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah.

He wants me to know, what's the best for me, and not to be so down for what had happened.
Every single thing He did, is the best for me and He always answers me with His own way.

Thank you Allah... =)

Dear, I found this post unintentionally. And I believe, it's His will.

* * *

Salah satu alasan paling umum mengapa kita berkahwin adalah kerana cinta – cinta romantik, bukan cinta monyet, yang biasa kita alami sebagai permulaan 
ke perkahwinan. Cintalah yang meyakinkan kita untuk melangkah bersama 
masuk ke mahligai perkahwinan. Masalahnya adalah, walaupun cinta 
merupakan suatu daya yang sangat kuat untuk menarik dua individu, namun 
ia tidak cukup kuat untuk mengeratkan kedua-duanya. Semakin hari semakin bertambah keyakinan saya bahawa yang diperlukan untuk 
mengeratkan kita dengan pasangan kita adalah keserasian, bukan cinta.

Cinta biasanya mengandungi satu komponen yang umum iaitu rasa suka. Rasa 
suka muncul kerana kita menemukan yang kita sukai pada dirinya. Serasi 
dan suka bukan identiti namun sering dianggap demikian. Tatkala kita 
mencintai seseorang, sebenarnya kita terlebih dahulu menyukainya, dalam 
pengertian kita suka dengan ciri tertentu pada dirinya. Rasa suka yang 
besar (yang akhirnya berpuncak pada cinta) akan menutupi rasa tidak 
suka yang lebih kecil dan -- ini yang penting -- cenderung menghalau 
ketidakserasian yang ada di antara kita. Di sinilah terletak 
masalah awal. Ini yang sering kali terjadi dalam masa bercinta. Rasa suka 
meniup pergi ketidakserasian di antara kita, bahkan pada akhirnya kita 
beranggapan atau berkhayal bahawa rasa suka itu identiti dengan keserasian. 
Kita kadang berfikir atau berharap, "Saya menyukainya, bererti saya 
(akan) serasi dengannya." Salah besar! Suka tidak sama dengan serasi; 
cinta tidak berkaitan dengan serasi! Oleh itu, kita mungkin mencintai 
seseorang yang sama sekali tidak serasi dengan kita. 
Pada waktu Tuhan menciptakan Hawa untuk menjadi isteri Adam, Ia 
menetapkan satu kriteria yang khusus dan ini hanya ada pada penciptaan 
isteri manusia, yakni, "Aku akan menjadikan penolong baginya, yang 
sepadan dengan dia." (Kejadian 2:18). Kata "sepadan" dapat kita ganti 
dengan kata "cocok." Tuhan tidak hanya menciptakan seorang wanita buat 
Adam yang dapat dicintainya, Ia sengaja menciptakan seorang wanita yang serasi untuk Adam. Tuhan tahu bahwa untuk dua manusia bisa hidup bersama 
mereka harus serasi. 
Menarik sekali bahwa Tuhan tidak mengagungkan cinta (romantik) sebagai 
prasyarat pernikahan. Tuhan sudah memberi kita petunjuk bahwa yang 
terpenting bagi suami dan istri adalah keserasian. Ironinya adalah, 
kita telah menggeser hal esensial yang Tuhan tunjukkan kepada kita 
dengan cara mengganti kata "serasi" dengan kata "cinta." Tuhan 
menginginkan yang terbaik bagi kita; itulah sebabnya Ia telah 
menyingkapkan hikmat-Nya kepada kita. 
Sudah tentu cinta penting, namun yang terlebih penting ialah, apakah ia serasi denganku? Saya teringat ucapan Norman Wright, seorang pakar 
keluarga di Amerika Syarikat, yang mengeluhkan bahawa dewasa ini orang 
lebih banyak mencurahkan waktu untuk menyiapkan diri memperoleh ijazah dibanding dengan mempersiapkan diri untuk memilih 
pasangan hidup. Saya kira kita telah termakan oleh motto, "Cinta adalah 
segalanya," dan melupakan fakta di lapangan bahawa cinta (romantik) 
bukan segalanya. 
Jadi, kesimpulannya ialah, cintailah yang serasi dengan kita! 


 Leaving the past behind

~ Creating Ideas, Developing Words ~