Tuesday, September 29, 2009

[ What Is It Actually..? ]


I'm writing this while waiting for someone. I was just looking around in this blogging world when I saw one particular blog. It looks just the same with other blogs but still has its' own specialities, of course.

But the point here is, each time I read the blog, or just by looking at the blog, there's one feeling in my heart. I don't know why, but it makes me almost crying or maybe my heart already did before my eyes.

The owner's knowledge, the words used in posts, the medium used, all of it makes me feel like I'm nothing compare to the owner. So far away from Islam, and I'm just the same with people who runs away from the truth even though we're in the same field.

I know, people might say, "So, don't waste your time.", "Then, go and search for the knowledge. It won't come to you like the rain." etc.

No matter how much I tried, still it didn't satisfied me. I don't know. Maybe there's something wrong with me or my heart or maybe even the way I live my life and what I've been doing all this time..?

Who knows...

I hope later or sooner, there will be someone or something that gives me the answers and most important is, the answer to why must I get the feeling when I read that particular blog...?


~ Creating Ideas, Developing Words ~

Monday, September 28, 2009


Assalamu'alykum... Opening my email for today, I read this one first.
Like anything else, I would like to share this with all of my readers. Please, sit back but don't relax cuz you need to pay attention on this one. ^^
Have a nice day.

--- On Mon, 28/9/09, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  <e-mail>wrote:

From: . . . .
Subject: Fw: Salam Aidil Fitri HANTARAN AL-QURAN
To: . . . . .
Date: Monday, 28 September, 2009, 8:54 AM

~ HiDUp tAk SELaLu iNDaH HaTi TAk sELaLu gELiSaH~

Kepade mereka2 yg nk menghantar dan menerime hantaran..pk2n 

"Sayang, tengok nih. Cantiknya AlQuran nih. Warna keemasan. Sesuai untuk kita buat hantaran" pekik Jamilah kepada Nabil..

"Sini pun cantik juga. Warna unggu keemasan. Mana satu kita nak beli nih" balas Nabil.

Mereka sedang asyik mencari bahan-bahan untuk dibuat hantaran. Tinggal satu lagi yang masih dicari-cari iaitu AlQuran yang bakal dijadikan hantaran.

"Tapi, yang ni lagi best, ada terjemahan arab" keluh Jamilah.

"Ala, awak bukan reti pun bahasa arab" jawab Nabil. Tergelak Jamilah. Berbahagia rasanya dapat calon suami seperti Nabil. Prihatin.

"Apa yang saudara cari tu. Nampak seronok saya lihat" tegur pakcik berbaju putih. Jaluran baju ke bawah menampakkan lagi seri wajah seorang pakcik dalam lingkungan 40-an.

"Oh, kami cari AlQuran. Nak buat hantaran. Maklumlah, nak bina masjid" sengih Nabil. Jamilah ikut senyum tidak jauh dari situ..

"Oh. Bagus lah. Adik selalu baca waktu bila?" pakcik menyoal sambil tersenyum.

"Aa.. aa.. lama dah saya tak baca, pakcik" teragak-agak Nabil menjawab. Jamilah sudah di sebelah rak yang lain.

"Kalau gitu, tak perlu lah beli AlQuran kalau sekadar hantaran. Kesian ALQuran. Itu bukan kitab hiasan, dik" tegur pakcik berhemah.

"Alah, pakcik nih. Kacau daun pulak urusan orang muda. Kami beli ni nak baca la" tiba-tiba Jamilah muncul dengan selamba jawapannya.

"Oh, baguslah. Kalau gitu beli lah tafsir ArRahman. Ada tafsiran lagi" cadang pakcik. Mukanya nampak seperti orang-orang ahli masjid.

"Ala, besar lah pakcik. Kami nak pilih nih. Kiut lagi" senyum Jamilah mengangkat bungkusan AlQuran warna unggu keemasan. Saiznya kecil.

"Jangan lupa baca ya" pakcik dengan selamba sambil meninggalkan pasangan tersebut.

"Sibuk je la pakcik tu" Jamilah mengomel.

Nabil kelihatan serba salah. Mungkin 'terpukul' dengan kata-kata seorang pakcik yang muncul secara tiba-tiba.

Hari yang dinantikan sudah tiba. Mereka sudah bersolek. Hari nan indah. Terlalu indah buat pasangan teruna dan dara yang bakal disatukan. Nabil dan Jamilah tidak sabar-sabar menantikan ucapan indah tersebut. Pak imam baru sahaja sampai.

"Assalamualaikum semua" ucapan salam Pak Imam bergema.

Nabil bagai hidup semula. Dirinya terkejut. Jantung bagai gugur serta merta. Mungkin tidak percaya apa yang dipandangnya dihadapan. Ahli-ahli keluarga berebut-rebut bersalaman dengan Pak Imam. Mukanya berseri-seri. Janggutnya putih. Jubah putih. Rambutnya ada yang berwarna putih.

"Inikah pengantin hari ini?" tegur selamba Ustaz Saad.

"Pak.. Ustaz.. kabar baik, pak... usta... ustazz.." jawab Nabil mengigil. Jamilah juga terkebil-kebil melihat kelibat orang yang dikenali di kedai buku 2 bulan lalu.

"Oh, sebelum tu, saya suka mendengar bacaan adik Nabil. Mudah-mudahan kita dapat mengambil manfaat dari bacaan pengantin" cadang Ustaz Saad. Kelihatan orang ramai mengiyakan. Maklumlah, ustaz Saad merupakan antara orang dikenali oleh ahli-ahli sebagai penceramah tetap setiap hari Khamis selepas maghrib.

Nabil menelan air liur. Baginya inilah saat paling menyeramkan bagi dirinya. Peluh membasahi baju melayu satin berwarna putih.

"Ss.. su.. surah apa ustaz?" Nabil cuba mengagahkan diri. Jamilah masih melihat dari tepi tirai. Memegang kepalanya. Seperti mengagak benda yang sebaliknya berlaku.

"Oh, ayat yang mudah ja.. Baca 3 ayat Surah ArRa'd" kata ustaz Saad sambil menunjukkan baris giginya yang putih hasil bersugi setiap solat mengikut sunnah nabi.
Surah Ar Rad

Surah Ar Ra'd

"Apa benda nih" detik hati Nabil.

"Bismillahirrahmaani rrahim.. ALL..MAA.. RIII..!!" berlagu Nabil.

Kelihatan gemuruh satu rumah pengantin perempuan. Ada yang keluar dari rumah menahan gelak.. Ada yang mengeluarkan air mata menahan kelucuan. Ada yang menggeleng-geleng kepala. Ibu bapa Jamilah merah padam wajahnya. Jamilah entah ke mana, mungkin berpura-pura ke tandas.

"Baru ustaz tahu ada kalimah almari di dalam ALQuran. Adik Nabil, cara bacanya seperti begini : A'uzubillahiminnassya itaanirra jim.. Bismillahirrahmanir rahim.. ALIF.. LAMM.. MIMMM... RAA.." kedengar suara gemersik Ustaz Sa'ad. Orang ramai kelihatan ingin mendengar lebih banyak lagi alunan irama ALQurannya.

Nabil berasa seperti kilat menyambar kepalanya.

"Nabil, kamu jangan merendah-rendahkan kitab petunjuk iaitu AlQuran. Ianya hendaklah dibaca bukan sekadar dijadikan hantaran. Malah lebih malang perlakuan seperti ini seolah-olah menghina ALQuran. Beli ALQuran kemudian menaruh di tempat-tempat tinggi seolah-olah ianya sudah cukup bagi seorang muslim" tazkirah sudah bermula. Orang ramai memang senang cara penyampaian ustaz Sa'ad.

"Tinggi mana pun kamu belajar, tiada gunanya kitab yang tidak berubah ini tidak mampu kamu baca. Kitab ini pasti begini rupanya, ayatnya tetap sama, kedudukannya tidak sama. Malah, ketahuilah Allah akan menjaganya sehingga hari kiamat. Nabil, kalau kamu tahu orang-orang yang mengaku kitab AlQuran sebagai kitab petunjuk kemudian diabaikan dia pasti dilaknat oleh AlQuran itu sendiri. Tetapi beruntungnya orang-orangnya memanfaatkan AlQuran setiap hari, membacanya, menghafalnya, mengamalkan menjadikan hati terlalu tenang walapun dia bukannya seorang yang tinggi pelajarannya, kaya hidupnya dan sebagainya.." penutup Ustaz Sa'ad sudah dikagumi orang terutama yang mengikuti ceramahnya.

Hari semakin cepat berlalu.

Nabil sudah melalui hari-hari yang indah. Kitab ALQUran yang menjadi hantaran pertunangan sudah menjadi diari kehidupannya yang aktif setiap hari.

Pit.. Pit! Jangan lupa datang rumah ustaz malam nih. Kita belajar sama-sama. Jangan lupa bawa isteri sekali ya Nabil. SMS dari ustaz Sa'ad tiba. Jamilah senyum disisi suaminya, Nabil.

read dis...

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: 'When a man dies and his
relatives are busy in funeral, there stands an extremely handsome man by
his head. When the dead body is shrouded, that man gets in between the
shroud and the chest of the deceased.

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) bersabda : 'Bila seseorang lelaki
itu mati dan saudaranya sibuk dengan pengebumiannya,  berdiri lelaki yang
betul-betul kacak di bahagian kepalanya. Bila mayatnya dikapan, lelaki itu
berada di antara kain kapan dan si mati.

Selepas pengebumian, semua orang pulang ke rumah, 2 malaikat Mungkar dan
Nakir, datang dalam kubur dan cuba memisahkan lelaki kacak ini supaya
mereka boleh menyoal lelaki yang telah meninggal itu seorang diri mengenai
ketaatannya kepada Allah. Tapi lelaki kacak itu berkata,
Dia adalah temanku, dia adalah kawanku. Aku takkan meninggalkannya seorang
diri walau apa pun. Jika kamu ditetapkan untuk menyoal, lakukanlah
tugasmu. Aku tidak boleh meninggalkannya sehingga aku dapati dia
dimasukkan ke dalam Syurga.'

Thereafter he turns to his dead companion and says, 'I am the Qur'an,
which you used to read, sometimes in a loud voice and sometimes in a low
voice. Do not worry. After the interrogation of Munkar and Naker, you will
have no grief.'

Selepas itu dia berpaling pada temannya yang meninggal dan berkata,'Aku
adalah Al-Quran, yang mana kamu membacanya, kadang-kadang dengan suara
yang nyaring dan kadang-kadang dengan suara yang perlahan. Jangan bimbang.
Selepas soal siasat dari Mungkar dan Nakir, kamu tidak akan bersedih.'

When the interrogation is over, the handsome man arranges for him from
Al-Mala'ul A'laa (the angels in Heaven) silk bedding filled with musk.

Selepas soal siasat selesai, lelaki kacak mengatur untuknya daripada
Al-Mala'ul A'laa (malaikat dalam Syurga) tempat tidur dari sutera yang
dipenuhi bauan kesturi

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: 'On the Day of Judgement,
before Allah, no other Intercessor will have a greater status than the
Qur'an, neither a Prophet nor an angel.'

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) bersabda :'Di hari pengadilan, di
hadapan Allah, tiada syafaat yang lebih baik darjatnya daripada Quran,
mahupun dari nabi atau malaikat.'

Please keep forwarding this 'Hadith' to all ....because

Sila sebarkan Hadis ini kepada semua .......kerana

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said:

'Pass on knowledge from me even if it is only one verse'.

'Sampaikan pengetahuan dari ku walaupun hanya satu ayat.'

May Allah bestow this favour on all of us.



New Email addresses available on Yahoo!
Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail.
Hurry before someone else does!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

A VeRy NiCe BlOg


I dont know why but for today, I read two nice posts about L.O.V.E. from two nice blogs. I was really touched by one of the post from ErtiCinta.

Please, if you happen to have some time, do read the post entitle Awak,Saya sayang awak sangat-sangat...(ar-rijal).

Usually, if I note this kind of posts, I'll just pass but this one, I don't know why, attracts me to read along till the end. At the end, I know the reason and I'll just keep it for myself. Cuz each people have different thinking, so I just want you to read it through and think it on your own. [^^]

For the writer: Ganbatte kudasai-neh! More interesting posts I hope from you dearly. :)

~ Creating Ideas, Developing Words ~

Tips for Working with Men

I use to go to FST for my Academic Communication 1 class. And most of the time, I perform my prayers at FST's Musola.

While waiting for my friends, I love to read the articles posted by Secretariat Hal Ehwal Siswi (SHES) PMFST, if I'm not mistaken. The articles are all have their own attractions, whether it's their topics or even the creation. There's one evening when I was too excited reading the article that I asked one of my friends' hp to take some pictures of the article and post it in my blog. But then, someone approached me and asked whether I'm interested in copying the original article or not.

For sure I said, "Yes, please." [^^]

And then, that girl introduced herself as the writer of the article and not just this one, she produced all of the articles I've been reading all this time. We exchanged our e-mails and ta-da…! She forwarded the original article to me. I was so glad to have them.

And right now, I want to publish each of the articles in here, one by one, so that all of us can gain at least something from the articles. This is a reminder (tazkirah) for me, myself, and for all readers. Insya-Allah. Thanks to Armiza Aris for the articles. ^^



Tips-tips berurusan dgn lelaki


Berikut adalah 5 tips bagaimana berurusan dengan lelaki ajnabi.

Tips-tips ini telah dikongsi oleh seorang sahabat yang amat disegani oleh kaum lelaki dan kaum wanita.

Semoga dengan mengamalkan perbatasan hubungan ini, akan lebih mensucikan hati kita dan hati mereka.

Sama-samalah kita menjaga hati...

1. Elakkan berurusan dengan lelaki - Selagi masih boleh dan berpeluang untuk minta tolong daripada perempuan.

Kecuali dalam hal seperti dalam hal repair kereta, repair laptop dan lain-lain.

Disebabkan limitation kemampuan wanita dalam hal tersebut, maka terpaksalah juga akhirnya minta bantuan daripada orang lelaki.

2. Kalau terpaksa berkomunikasi dengan orang lelaki, gunakanlah medium perantaraan dalam bentuk tulisan seperti SMS, e-mail atau nota kecil.

Gunakan perkataan-perkataan formal,bukan bahasa pasar. Contoh :maaf(bukan sorrie..), terima kasih(bukan time kacih..).

Lagi satu, tak payahlah buat smiley face ke =),gelak ke (hihihi..), dan lain-lain yang kurang berfaedah.

Elakkan bercakap melalui telefon kalau belum betul-betul desperate. Ini kerana suara wanita amat lunak dan boleh menggetarkan jiwa insan yang bernama lelaki. Buktinya sampai ALLAH sound kepada wanita supaya keraskan suara! Rujuk Quran,Surah Al-Ahzab, ayat 32 :


"Wahai isteri-isteri nabi, kamu bukanlah seperti perempuan-perempuan lain jika kamu bertaqwa. Maka janganlah lemah-lembutkan suara dalam berbicara, sehingga bangkit nafsu orang yang ada penyakit dalam hatinya, tetapi ucapkanlah perkataan yang baik."


Kalau rasa ayat ini ditujukan kepada isteri-isteri nabi sahaja, sepatutnya kita juga menyahut seruan tersebut untuk mencapai darjat yang sama seperti mereka-darjat wanita bertaqwa dan darjat wanita-wanita yang terpilih. Best kan ???

3. Tundukkan hati. Apabila terpaksa berurusan dengan lelaki, kita sepatutnya merasa bulu roma kita meremang-kerana takut pada ALLAH!

Kita sangat takut sekiranya disebabkan kita, lelaki tersebut tertarik kepada kita.

Sewaktu berhadapan dengan lelaki-lelaki tersebut, banyakkan beristighfar dan berdoa " YA ALLAH, janganlah KAU jadikan lelaki ini tertarik kepadaku.

Jauhkan pandangannya daripada panahan-panahan syaitan."



4. Tundukkan pandangan. Jangan tertipu dengan subjek communication skills yang pernah kita belajar, "make eye contact with the person you're talking to..".

Ianya applicable kalau kita bercakap dengan sesama jantina sahaja.

Kalau ada eye contact dengan orang yang berlainan jantina, kita akan mendapati teori "dari mata turun ke hati" itu benar-benar bisa berlaku.

Para sahabat dahulu pun, ALLAH perintahkan supaya tahan pandangan mata mereka apabila berurusan dengan isteri-isteri nabi. Rujuk kembali Surah Al-Ahzab, ayat 53 :


"…apabila kamu meminta sesuatu daripada isteri nabi, mintalah dari belakang tabir. Itu lebih suci bagimu dan hati mereka…".


Tetapi kita bukanlah disuruh membawa tabir ke mana-mana kita pergi. Kalau susah sangat nak jaga mata, tutuplah pandangan dengan buku ke, fail ke..

Kita lihat betapa ALLAH sangat mengambil berat masalah hati para sahabat dan isteri-isteri nabi supaya mereka tidak tewas ke dalm kemungkaran.

Kalau kita nak jadi sehebat mereka, kenalah aplikasikan apa yang mereka lakukan.


Takkan nak tunggu ALLAH sebut nama kita dalam Quran baru nak buat. Contoh :"Wahai cik _____, tundukkanlah pandangan..". Isk,isk..tak layaknya..



5. Cepatkan urusan. Perkara ini mungkin applicable kepada students/orang yang dah bekerja dan terpaksa berurusan dengan team lelaki.

Dah tak dapat nak dielakkan, mereka sahaja teammate kita.


So, apa-apa kerja yang dibuat bersama, buat sahajalah kerja tersebut.


Tak payahlah nak berborak-borak, tanya hal peribadi, gelak-gelak, buat lawak..tak perlu,TAK PERLU!

Siapkan kerja cepat-cepat, then go.

Discussion venue pula buatlah di tempat yang proper dan berurusanlah secara professional.



Semoga bermanfaat dan semoga kita dikenali sebagai wanita mu'minah yang ada identiti, yang taat perintah ALLAH dan takutkan hari pembalasan.


Semoga tidak melalaikan diri kita dan orang yang menerimanya. Jagalah diri, hiasi peribadi. Wassalam.


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hj Rosli's Open House

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

What a lucky day! I was hoping I could buy something at the cafe just now but when I got there, I found lots of people wearing nice clothes and dresses eating with family members! I thought they were having a big feast or something and almost run away when one of the workers saw me and invited me to join in.

I thought it would be inappropriate to jump into other people's feast so I just say, "No, thanks." But before I step out of the cafe, Hj Rosli himself came and invite me to eat with them. He said it was his open house. So, it means free lunch for today! [lol]

'Rezeki jangan ditolak'. Of course I felt very shy because mostly, the guess wore baju kurung, baju melayu with sampin while I'm the only wearing just plain t-shirt. But when the host himself invited, what can I say? [lol] I went for the food instantly. They had rendang, nasi impit, nasi beriani, laksa, ais kacang, and a lot more. I just need rice so I took only rice but with variety of extra side dish. [Hihi] Yum yum...free food always delicious. [lol]

Alhamdulillah, may Allah bless Hj Rosli.

Bty, I just know that one of my former friends went to Austria for this sem until next sem. He'd just arrived there two days ago. I searched the place using Google Maps and etc. It is a very nice and pleasent place. I hope he had a very good time there for his study. Ganbatte-ne, Zakuan. [^^] Don't forget to tell your stories in Lone Rangers, kay?

Anyway, I need to go and fix my 'life' back here. I had no more time if I don't want to be expel next year. So, ganbatte kudasai-ne for all my friends out there no matter where you are and pray for our success.

~ Creating Ideas, Developing Words ~

Holidays [1]

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم

It's been for days since I last type in my stories. Well, now I have plenty to be shared.

1st of all, I managed to create a blog that I've been dreaming and being asked from my friends, a blog for people like us, I call 'lone rangers'. Please do take a look at that blog and leave some comments if you have.

2ndly, well, I'm all alone now in my room waiting for Monday and start my busy days as usual, but with some new feelings. Part of the feelings might help me and part of them might not. I just hope they won't disappoint me. Insya-Allah.

3rdly, it's about one of my lost dreams. When I got home, I found out about my lil bro's home works. His teacher gave him lots of engineering drawings to be passed up next week. Looking at those papers really breaks my heart remembering my once and most wanted-to-be-learnt subject.

When I was in Form 4, I asked for my parents' permission to quit from my former school and go to SM Teknik but both of them asked me to stay and try my luck there. Without hesitation, I stayed but I took Arts [Drawings] subject for extra credit.

When the SPM result came out, alhamdulillah, I scored better in those subjects I need to be in the field that I want, Seni Bina. I received the invitation and really happy that no words can be thrown out from my mouth.

I was so glad that I pushed aside the invitation for Matriculation. But then, my biggest test needed me to choose [which I really hate to do till now, choosing] between my mom or my dream.

And now, here I am. Holding up my mom's...what we call it? I don't know what to say but I know you knew it.

I've lost my dream AND eventually my interest in study at that time.

For all these years I've been through were all empty. If people ask me about my reason for being in Form 6, taking STPM, and now in UKM, Pengajian Dakwah & Kepimpinan, I just can't answer them. Because I don't have the answers. I'd left my life behind long ago and now I couldn't see it coming back to me.

I tried to build up a new 'life' for me here, with this 'new' field since I was in Form 6 but I'd never succeed in it. My heart was already empty, and still the same without any spirit, eagerness and interest like I used to feel and live with before. Those times were the best moments in my life as a student, I guess.

Hearing my lil bro grumbles about his home works also breaks my heart to pieces. He got the chance, he got the support, and he got the blessings from Allah and both my parents to be there but still, he didn't feel the happiness, the glad he supposed to feel. I don't understand it. Why does things like this happens?

Yo, bro. Only one thing I want to say, "Do NOT waste it unless you know what you are doing, man. I don't want you to feel like I do for the rest of your life."


Thursday, September 17, 2009


Bismillahirahmanirahim... Assalamualykum to all...

I'm typing this in the car, on my way to UNITAR to pick up my sis over there. I visited UIA today with my father. He had something to do about his job over there and I had the chance to have a look at my former friends' varsity. It's quit a charming and picturesque place. They had a very beautiful place to study in. I love the design of their buildings rather than my faculty building. Looking at the building gave me extra strength to continue my study if I was there, I guess. But still, there're no other places like UKM. ^^

Last night, ny cat delivered her babies. There're four of them. And I still feel dizzy and need time to control myself from vomiting in this car. That cat delivered two of her babies in front of my eyes! Gosh! I'm not the person who you can ask for help when it comes to this bloody things. Oh God..!! I can't remove the "bloody" moments from my head! Help me, oh God, help me. Excuse me please, I need to go...

~ Creating Ideas, Developing Words ~

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Bismillahirahmanirahim...Assalamu'alykum to all...

Today is the stupidest day for me. I've made myself embarrassed enough for just one day! Luckily I'm going home tomorrow. I think I'm gonna burst in the train long enough before I meet my lil bro. He shall not see me crying over the spilled milk.

How I hate this day! One day is enough for me to make myself look stupid in front of those people. Oh God...! How am I gonna live the rest of this semester..? Oh please make me forget this thing a.s.a.p...

Ah..! By the way, my best friend, Yuni had gone to UK yesterday. I didn't have the chance to go and see her for the last time. It's too complicated with this life that we can't even manage it according to our will. Masya-Allah. How powerful You are.

To Yuni, ganbatte-neh with your life over there. I'll always pray for your safety until we meet again. I miss you dearly, Yuni. Please do send me your UK number so that we can still contact with each other. Love you, miss you...

And one more, can't wait to watch Prison Break with my lil bro...!! Yay...!! Yo bro, wait up for me to be home...!!!


~ Creating Ideas, Developing Words ~

Friday, September 11, 2009

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم
Hmm... Today, I'm full with satisfaction. Why? Because I got the chance to buy these:
Yaaaaayyy....!!! :P
Well, its not easy to get those dvds as cheap as I got, you know. So, I'm not the one who'll let the chance away especially when it comes to my favourites. OMG! I can't wait to show it to Na'im!
"Na'im! I got you Prison Break's DVD Season 1 to 4...!!! We're gonna watch it together this whole holidays...!!! Yaaaaayyyy...!!!"
By the way, the other thing that I satisfied with is, in one night, I finished 3/4 of my task, distributing questionaire for my assignment, Academic Communication 1. Well, it's easy, alhamdulillah, because most of it were distributed among KTHO's Silat members. All of them are from different faculty, that's why they became my target [actually I need them to help me with the survey.]

Can't wait to get home. Can't wait to get home. Can't wait to get home...! Na'im...! Matte kudasai-neh!

~ Creating Ideas, Developing Words ~

Monday, September 7, 2009

My Cuties...!!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم

Hmm.. Today, there're two stories I wanna share but actually lots of them but... It's okay. I'll try to pick the best to post.

Firstly, this is kinda flash back story. This evening, when I put the syampoo on my palm, accidentally  a bubble created and it floated in front of me. Well, looking at the bubble reminds me of myself long ago. How I love to play with bubbles without getting bored. In fact, I used to play with bubbles to release my stress. It was almost PMR  trial week, and I was getting stressed for recieving too much pressure from teachers and of course, my parents. Then, in a sudden, a bubble flash through my mind and immediately I asked for a friend to buy a bottle of 'Bubbles' from a nearby shop.

That night, ignoring any boys and girls who looked at me strangely, I played with lots and lots of bubbles around me in front of my classroom [There's a mini-garden there, you know.] I played for a very long time, I guess. Then, one after another, my friends came and joined me. [lol] That was a very happy moment and it did gave me a bit release from the pressure. [Ahh... How I missed those times.]

Secondly, my dearie bro text me and he told me about our new family members, the cutie-kittens..! They were born three weeks before I got into UKM. Gosh, I really wanna see their pictures he gonna send me tomorrow, insya-Allah via YM!. Well, he told me he was in a delimma to think of a name for two of the kittens. He called them 'Chip and Dell'..! [lol] What a cute name..! [I love it!]

He said both of them have same colours, so he didn't know which one to call Chip, and which one to call Dell. I told him to call one of it Dell if it is a female [Dell for Delia] but then he replied that both of them are male, just like in the cartoons! [lol] Well, then he decided to call the skinny one Chip and the other one, which happen to be a bit fatter than Chip, with Dell; according to the real cartoon.

Geez... I really wanna see their pictures so much. They must be VERY CUTE..!! [aaaaaaa.....hhhhh....!] Can't wait to be back to see them playing and running around, all over the place chasing each other. Oh my God! So cute...!!!

K  A  W  A  I  -  D  E  S  U  -  N  E  H  .  .  .  !  !  !

~ Creating Ideas, Developing Words ~

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Mother and Adopted Kitten

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
السلام عليكم

Yesterday was the weirdest day in my life. I saw too many weird hints and incidents. I may not want to tell each of them but still, there's one incident I want to share here. It's about a female monkey or I shall call it a mother, kidnapped a kitten. That kitten is a very small and seems like a newly born kitten.

At first, I was too busy walking with a speeding pace, through FSSK heading to FST. Suddenly, I saw one of my course mates standing in the crowd looking at something. I went closer to have a look at it. It's a female monkey, gripping a kitten. My first impression was, "Poor her, she must be missing her kid so much that she grip the kitten as if it's her kid."

But then I saw three guys, trying to grab that kitten away from her. I didn't have any idea why they did that. Then I thought, maybe they were afraid she might kill the kitten. Then, in a sudden, my course mate looked at my hand. I was holding my sweater at that time. I didn't wear it because it wasn't raining yet. Then he said, one of the guys need a cloth or something to rescue the kitten. Then, without hesitating, I gave him my sweater. I had no idea what I've done!

But it's okay because he didn't get the chance to use it against the monkey. It kept running away and making things went more difficult. But, it still holds the kitten tight to its chest as if trying to protect her kid from any harm. It really was a touching moment, although most of the ladies who was watching talked about how cruel the monkey was for kidnapping the kitten away from its mama.

After several attempts, those guys gave up and the one who got my sweater gave it back to me. Thank God I didn't have to clean up the monkey's fur. Of course, I was VERY late on my schedule that evening but it did gave me a little moment to take a breath and take a look at the power of the Creator for I’ve been too preoccupied with my ‘world’ lately that I almost forgot to perform the zikr to Him. [May You forgive me, my Lord.]

And today is my painful day. Almost all of my body parts are in pain. I had Silat practice last night starting at 10.45 pm till 1.30 am. It was exhausting! For the first time, I had to do pumping for 30 times, star jumping 100 times and I don’t’ know what they called this one step for 30 times. And not forgotten, sit up for 30 times but this one isn’t for the first time. I’ve been doing sit ups back when I was in secondary school. But still, I got the pain double for not doing it for a very long time. [Serves me right…lol]

Even though I got these pains, I'm not in regret because I learnt new skills last night. I learnt about Seni Tempur. It's quite interesting, you now. I love the concept used in this and also the steps. I can still remember them right now. It's different from the past when I was taught about Jurus Wajib. I can't even remember the whole first compilation of steps like I memorize this one. Maybe it’s because of my interest, I think.
~ Creating Ideas, Developing Words ~

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


   بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
السلام عليكم

Hmm... I'd just view the notice board of PMFPI and suddenly I saw a namelist. It's a namelist of participants for Biro Tatanegara! OMG! It is time...[tone like in The Lion King] [lol]
Well, I know it is a very interesting camp and I've been wanting to join it long ago but it is a sign for the coming EXAM. Gosh. I'm not ready yet to sit in the exam. OMG! OMG! OMG!

Ah! Almost forgotten but I WOULDN'T! [lol] At pusanika, there's a Ramadhan Bazaar I think but there's a small stall, at the lowest floor. Guess what? There're some collection of.....SAILORMOON VCDs...!!! [aaaaaa.......!] Oh God! It kept coming to my mind. Shall I buy them? Or shall not? Buy it? Leave it. Buy it? Leave it. Oh God. I'm gonna need more flower petals than asking 'He love me? He love me not'question. [lol] Sailormoon.... It's been years I watched the anime. I think TV2 stopped the air-time in 2002, when I was in Form 1. Hmm... If only I have lots and lots and LOTS of money......

~ Penggerak Minda, Pencetus Wacana ~
~ Creating Ideas, Developing Words ~

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Alhamdulillah, today I got the chance to contact my youngest brother via sms. I really miss him since the day I got into UKM. I don't know why but I miss him more than I miss my parents. Well, of course we share lots of interest together plus we shared too much secrets between us. So, he's the person you have to look for if you want to know me better and I'm the one for you if you need to know anything 'bout him. [ ^_- ]

He's in the hospital right now. His tracheae got infected, luckily it's not the H1N1 virus, الحمد لله. He called his doc and nurses 'white cartoons'. [lol] He's such a childish even though he's already 16 this year. This is his newest photo. He joins the PKBM unit uniform in his school, SMT TAR., Penang.

My lil bro had become a macho guy.
Bro, I always pray for your health. I pray that both of us still together till the end of the days. No one can replace you in my heart, my lil bro. May Allah bless you.

~ Penggerak Minda, Pencetus Wacana ~
~ Creating Ideas, Developing Words ~